San Diego

Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego

The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (MCASD) in San Diego, California is a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts. With its dedication to showcasing artworks from 1950 to the present, it offers a comprehensive and diverse collection for visitors to explore. The museum's focus on preservation and interpretation allows for a deep understanding and appreciation of contemporary art movements. The exhibitions are thoughtfully curated, presenting a blend of established and emerging artists, making it a dynamic and engaging experience for all visitors.



Words & Photography by Marrice Hill

Museum of Photographic Arts

As of July 1, 2023 The San Diego Museum of Art & The Museum of Photographic Arts merged to become one unified institution via Balboa Park. Established in 1974 and officially opened in 1983, MOPA is one of the few museums in the United States solely dedicated to the collection and conservation of photography. Its primary objective is to inspire, educate, and captivate a diverse range of visitors by showcasing and safeguarding photography, film, and video. MOPA's mission encompasses the exhibition, acquisition, and protection of these art forms, ensuring their appreciation and accessibility for a wide audience. Please enjoy the gallery below!

Photography & Words by Marrice Hill

With Creative License by Wonderspaces

Wonderspaces brought yet another pop-up museum to San Diego; "With Creative License" being the newest gallery on display at the B street Pier. Keeping the same concept as last years show, Wonderspaces partners with artist from around the world to bring together an animating show. Each art piece has its own captivating feature to get your mind wondering...needless to say, if you have a chance to make it to Downtown San Diego Wonderspaces is worth a visit. More info about tickets, hours, etc on their website
