A product of the DMV makes his way to Socal and brings all of his artistic talents with him. Nate or Karate Xplosion is a man of many talents; he creates work as a musician, photographer, designer, painter & tattoo artist. Always available for hire, you can view and purchase some of his work here. Below he shares his story of how he became an artist and the inspiration behind it, enjoy!
‘Everywhere I go is a fashion show for interdimensional space/time travelers’
What inspired you?
Growing up learning about great artists like Dali and Picasso who stretched the idea of what we see vs. what is possible, sculptors like Andy Goldsworthy, and Richard Serra creating beautiful works of art from earth materials some found, some made. Stretching the impossible from what we are given. Thinking outside the regular vision to see what can be, as opposed to what is available.
As far back as I can remember I have NEEDED art and music in my life. Life throws us curveball but in the end there has to be some outlet and that has always, for me, been in the form of art and music. Making something that inspires others to see things differently or to make their own self expression no matter the outcome, thats why it's made.
I think that the true inspiration is what we find inside ourselves as a result of lots of pressure internal and external, how far we are willing to go to be heard and somewhere along the way the unexpected turns that are dealt in the form of disappointment, expectation or hurt is toppled by our ability to take those punches and move fluidly with it. How much can you take from life’s learning lessons and turn it into a positive? What keeps you going?
What advice do you have for the youth aspiring to be artist?
For every time somebody tells you that isn't the way to express yourself, or that isn't how something is made.....be extra YOU times 1000. Let that be the fuel to create something beautiful. For every person that judges or tries to shape your expression of self, do the opposite.